Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Good Noah Day

I was expecting the worse. Noah's behavior is usually pretty bad on Monday after getting more than the usual attention over the weekend. Today I was surprised. Noah got up twice in the middle of the night, but didn't really cry. He started to and we just told him to come in our room. Once I help him and other time Morry helped him to go potty.

Getting Noah dressed this morning was easy.

We got to the gym without any fights.

Since the boys were good we swam at the gym after I worked out.

We ate lunch at home and Noah started to get just a little cranky. After lunch he went to his room for naptime without any arguing. He didn't nap, but at least he stayed in his room for a little bit.

Gabby came at 3:45.

I tutored and then met Morry and the boys at Evan's baseball game. Noah and I stayed for about half of the game and then I brought him home with me so I could get dinner started.

For dinner we had one of those PF Changs frozen meals.

Evan and Noah have been put to bed, but they are both still awake.

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