Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Hello everyone, this is Morry. Rachel is talking to her parents and her grandmom so I'm writing the blog tonight.

Today is Mother's Day, of course, so I got up with the boys. Evan got up around 7:50am and Noah got up around 8:20 or so. We came downstairs and had breakfast. Evan wanted to watch the Polar Express so we watched that. Both boys were well behaved at first but then they started fighting and whining. I ended up taking the cozy coupe away from them and putting it in the garage.

When Rachel came downstairs, I had Evan run up to her and say "Happy Mother's Day". Rachel said she wanted to get some coffee at Starbucks and take the boys to the park. We went to this old school park that Rachel has taken the boys to before. It has an old metal slide and a metal merry-go-round. We quickly figured out why most places don't have metal things on parks anymore. All the metal stuff was hot. Evan did go on the merry-go-round and we played on some wooden house they had. Both boys were fairly cranky and Noah ended up falling asleep on the way home.

We got home and made the boys lunch. Evan said he wanted blue eggs and ham. Rachel made some for him by putting blue food coloring in it. He ate all those up and wanted red eggs and ham. Rachel made some more for him. Noah had some of the blue eggs and ham.

We put Noah down for a nap but Evan played some more before he went down for a nap.

There's a site called Woot and they sell one item per day. The descriptions of the products are always very humorous. Last week, I saw they were selling a Philips Upconverting DVD player for $19.99. This is a DVD player that takes your standard 480 pixel DVD and converts it to 1080i for HDTV. I figured for $19.99 it couldn't go wrong. It was refurbished but came with a 90-day warranty. It came yesterday and I hooked it up this morning. We watched 10 minutes of Wall-E before it broke and stopped playing. I ended up calling Philips today while Evan napped but after Noah got up. They are sending us a new one. I don't know if this replacement is refurbished or not. If it's not then we got a great deal.

For dinner, we met Aunt Susan, Lauren, Shelley and Aaron for dinner at the Triangle. We ate at Fish City Grill and ate outside. The boys enjoyed eating outside I think. Evan didn't eat that well, but he was well-behaved.

After dinner, we went and had frozen yogurt at Yogurt Planet. Noah sat on Lauren's lap while Lauren gave him some of her frozen yogurt. Evan had his own yogurt and was acting very silly.

On the way home, Evan started to sing "We will, we will rock you. Sing it!! We will, we will rock you. Sing it!!" I don't know where he got the "sing it" part but it was very funny.

Both boys are in bed now. They are both quiet. Evan told us he was tired on the way home.

Until next time...

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