Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Another early start

So, again we had a rough night. Noah woke up multiple times. We just let him cry and eventually he went back to sleep. Then, Evan woke up crying at 7:14am. Ugh. He started doing this forced cry. When I went in there he said he wanted to play Geo Trax.

I got the boys dressed and fed. We took Evan to school. He gave Wendy and Natasha their cards and brownies. I think Evan was disappointed that he didn’t get any brownies, though I did let him have one later after school.

I went to the bank to deposit some checks. I drove up to the teller window. I’m not going to be depositing any more checks through the ATM.

Noah and I met Melissa at the lake. We walked the 3 mile loop. It was nice, but a little hot out. Noah did really well and only got a little fussy at the end.

Then, Noah and I went to HEB. I had a lot of shopping to do and Noah did very well. He ate a few samples (some streusel thing and a little cupcake). When we went to put the groceries in the car, I had forgotten about both strollers (regular and jogging) being back there. I had to place the bags in various places around the strollers. Luckily everything fit.

By the time we finished at HEB it was almost time to get Evan. There was not really enough time to go home so we just got to Evan’s school a little early. Evan was very excited to see us. I put Noah down on the floor so he could play too. Evan wanted to stay a little longer and do the songs with everyone before we left. The kids gathered on the carpet and sang a few songs. After the second one, I told Evan we needed to leave. I had the groceries in the car.

We got home and I opened the back of the car to get the groceries. Things must have shifted, so when I opened the back door a bag of groceries fell out and hit the ground. Guess which bag that was? The eggs, of course. Only a few broke, but it was still a mess.

I brought the boys inside and put the groceries away. I let Evan eat a brownie while I fed Noah. Then, the boys went upstairs for naps. Noah napped, but Evan did not.

Blanca came at 4:00. I tutored and got home at 6:00.

Morry made pizza and I made the salad for dinner. Evan insisted on sitting at his red table. He almost always sits at the dinner table with us. He ate a lot of veggies and dip (ranch dressing), but just the olives off his pizza. He didn’t sit still and was all over the place. Somehow Evan was under the little table and tipped it so his whole plate of food fell off and on to the carpet. We told him that next time he needs to sit the table with us.

We gave the boys baths and Evan was a real pain. He didn’t want to be washed. Then, he didn’t want to get out. He was just overly tired.

Evan and Noah and in bed now and it sounds quiet. Let’s hope they both sleep through the night and late in the morning.

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