Friday, May 15, 2009

JCC and Panera

This morning there was no playgroup, so I thought we’d just go to the JCC. By the time I was able to get both boys out of the house and get food for lunch in the diaper bag it was after 10:30.

We got to the JCC about 11:00. They had already done the Tot Shabbat. Evan and Noah still had fun just playing. The toys are really for babies or toddlers, but Evan still seemed to find stuff to play with. We only stayed in the room for about 30 minutes and then went outside to the playground. When it was time to leave Evan threw a fit. It was really hard carrying Noah and getting Evan to the car.

We met Yenis and Kevin at Panera. I got there before Yenis and took the boys to the bathroom there. Noah needed a diaper change. I was really having a tough time managing Evan and Noah in the bathroom. There was no changing table, so we took the handicap stall and I had to change Noah on the floor, on top of the diaper pad we have. I had to do this while trying to keep Evan from touching things. He kept touching the toilet or the trashcan. Then, he was unlocking the door. I heard a woman ask me if I needed help. I said, “Thanks, but I’m ok.” She offered to help Evan (must have heard me say Evan’s name a few times) wash his hands. I thanked her, but kept Evan in the stall with me. Somehow, I managed to get all of our hands washed and get out of the bathroom. That was really tough.

While we were in line to order Yenis and Kevin arrived. We ordered and got set up outside. My buzzer went off saying my food was ready, but it was a while before I could get it since it took a while to get all the other stuff to the table and get a high chair. I ended up eating cold soup. Kevin and Evan had a good time playing on the deck outside. Evan didn’t eat much. He just had a blueberry muffin and a yogurt drink. There were two women sitting near us who brought a dog with them. Noah and Evan enjoyed petting it. Noah called the dog Lizzy.

We came home and I put the boys down for naps. Evan did not nap. Noah slept a little bit until the phone rang and woke him up.

After nap time we went out front and Evan rode his “big boy” bike a little. He was very good at going downhill, but he needed me to help push him up the hills.

For dinner, we went to Blue Bamboo, a new restaurant near us. The food was good, but the boys, especially Evan were not well behaved.

We put the boys to bed early. I hope they sleep well tonight.

I have to get up very early in the morning. I’m helping Alissa with her garage sale and I’m going to her house at 5:30am. There are still a lot of things that need to be priced, we need to set up, and signs need to be put out.

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