Sunday, April 8, 2018

Fit Family

This morning Evan and Morry left the house around 6am for two baseball games.

Noah and I left a little bit later for Cap10K.  Noah's been really looking forward to this 6.2 mile run, though we hadn't done any training for it.  Yesterday, Noah was complaining about his allergies and I was thinking he might not want to go this morning.  When I woke him up, he basically jumped up and said, "Let's go."

We got to the race around 8am, but we didn't start until about 8:30am.  There were around 23,000 people there and they had staggering start times.

Noah did really well.  We walked a little bit but did run for a lot of time.  It was really hilly too.

At the finish line, everyone got medals.  We finished in 1hr 17 minutes, which was faster than I thought we would do.

After the run, we stopped and got juices at The Soup Peddler.

We got home around 11am and Morry and Evan got home shortly after.  Since Evan's team lost the first two games, they were done for the day.

Noah went to Jude's house this afternoon for a little while and then Evan and Noah went to Sunday school.

Michael, Jen, Maya, and Artie arrived tonight so we all had dinner at Grandma and Papa's house.

Now the boys are getting ready for bed.

Here are some pictures from today.

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