Thursday, April 26, 2018

Annual Checkup

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The boys needed to have their annual checkups.  I scheduled them for today but I could only get a mid-morning appointment.  I ended up picking each up from school and taking them to the appointment.

Both boys are healthy.  Evan is still just above average in height and weight.  Noah is just below average in both.  Evan had to have some vaccines today.  Everything was normal and healthy.

After I dropped the boys off, I went home for lunch and then went into the office.

When Rachel was finished with teaching, she went to a Girl Scouts Luncheon that she was invited to as part of her deal with Charles Maund Toyota.  They bought a table and invited Rachel to join them.

Rachel picked Noah up from school.  Our office had a team building event so I didn't come home.  We went to a rock climbing gym.

I got home in time for dinner and the boys were outside playing with some of the neighbors.

For dinner the boys had waffles, and Rachel and I ate our own things.

The boys are upstairs playing on the Playstation now and Rachel is taking pictures for a product that was sent to her.

Until next time...

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