Friday, March 30, 2018

Matzoh Balls!

This morning Chewie was up around 7am.  I got up with him and fed the animals so Morry could sleep.

Then, I made the 80+ matzoh balls for Passover for tomorrow and some chocolate matzoh.

Morry went into the office.

Evan got home around 10:30am and then I took Noah to Jude's house at 11:15.  Jude was having his birthday party today and Noah was getting a ride with Jude's family.

When I got back, Evan, Grandmom and I went to meet Morry for lunch.  We sat in a lot of traffic both directions.

We picked up bagels from Rockstar Bagels and ate at the office.

Around 3pm I picked up Noah from Jude's house.

Noah had football practice this afternoon.

For dinner, Morry, Evan, Noah, and Grandmom went to Rudy's.

Now the boys are getting ready for bed.

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