Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Popular Noah

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

A cold front came in this morning so the high for the day was at Midnight.  Rain came in around 4 or 5 in the morning but it had ended by the time we walked to school.  Temperature-wise it wasn't too cold (around 56) but because of the wetness and the wind made it feel much colder on the walk.

I worked from home all day.  Rachel was at work for the morning but came home just after lunch.  She ate lunch at school.

We walked to get Noah.  Chewie got to see several of his kid friends and he met a new miniature Goldendoodle puppy.

As we were walking home, Noah got invited to go over to Jude's house.  He just walked there from where we were.

Evan came home for a bit before he went over to Grandma's.  They ate dinner together.

Before dinner, I picked up Noah and took him over to Grayson's house for a birthday dinner.  Noah was the only friend the Grayson invited.  It was mostly a family dinner.

Rachel and I had just some random leftovers for dinner.

After dinner, we picked up Noah.  Then Noah was dropped off at home.

The boys are getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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