Sunday, December 17, 2017

Football and Hanukkah

This morning Morry and I took Chewie for a walk. 

Then, Morry ran out to pick up some bagels.

A little before noon Noah's friend Jake and his dad Alex came over to watch football.

I left around 12:30 to tutor and got home around 2:30.

The boys and men had a good time hanging out.

I took the boys to Sunday school at 4pm and then picked up a few things at Walgreens.

There was a Hanukkah party at Sunday school at 5pm.

Morry, Grandma, and Papa, met me there for the party.

Noah's group preformed a Hanukkah play.  Noah was the king and he really hammed it up.  Everyone enjoyed that.  The kids played dreidel, bingo, and more.  There were latkes.  It was quite a good turn out.

From there, we went to dinner at Maudie's with Grandma and Papa.

The last few days Evan has been complaining about his finger hurting.  He poked it with a paper clip at school on Thursday.  Today it was swollen and hurting even more, so Morry took him to an urgent care place after dinner.

They are on their way home now.  The doctor said Evan's finger is infected and prescribed some antibiotics.

Here are some pictures from today.

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