Friday, February 3, 2017

Thrift Store

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

It was a pretty easy morning this morning.  There were no meetings, no phone calls.  We just walked the boys to school and came home.  I did work, but I just focused on the work which was nice.

We left for an early lunch at Wholy Bagel.

After lunch we went to a thrift store.  We each picked out clothes for the other to wear.  We're going to go to dinner tomorrow night in the clothes that we each picked out.  We're going to look pretty silly I think.  We managed to do it for less than $15/person.

We walked to pick up the boys in the afternoon.

Evan had baseball practice tonight.  Braeden's dad offered to drive today, so I drove Evan to the meeting spot and they took him.

For dinner, Rachel, Noah and I went to Freebirds and got burritos.  Before we left to meet Braeden's dad, we picked up a burrito for Evan.

We stopped at Sam's Club before going home to get some things.

The boys are getting ready for bed now.

Until next time...

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