Thursday, February 23, 2017

Another Non-Stop Day

It was another packed day today.

We walked to school, but left Lizzy at home so that she could rest and not overdo herself.  She's still limping.

Then, we went to Camp Gladiator.

From there, I left to tutor.

On my way home from tutoring I stopped at Whole Foods for some more probiotics and other groceries.

Morry met some friends for a barbecue lunch.

We walked to pick up the boys from school.  By then, it was in the 80s outside.

Noah got invited to hang out with Jude after school.

Morry and the boys left the house shortly after getting home.  Morry dropped on Noah at Jude's and then took Evan to baseball.

I left to tutor again.

On my way home from tutoring I picked up a few things from Walgreens.

I got home around 7:30 and we ate dinner - crockpot Coke ham, raw veggies (including purple carrots I picked out at Whole Foods), and fruit.

The boys are in bed now.

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