Thursday, December 29, 2016

HomeAway and Play Date

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Evan was invited to have a play date with one of his friends from the baseball team.  His friend lives across the city - not too far from HomeAway.  Rachel and I had a meeting at HomeAway this afternoon, so we arranged for Evan to go over to his friend's house today.

Before that, though, I had a phone meeting with a potential client.  Mandy and I were on the call.

We dropped off Noah at Grandma's, then drove up north and dropped Evan off.

We were at HomeAway early so Rachel and I worked out of a conference room.  The meeting was pretty boring and useless.

We drove back, picked up Noah, and hung out at the house.

Then I drove back up north, ran to Best Buy to exchange something, and picked Evan up.  Evan's friend, Matthew, had also invited two other boys over (both from Matthew's school, though Evan had not met them until today).  First they went bowling (Evan won both games) and then they came back to the house and had lunch.  Then they went to the local elementary school and played.  Evan said they had a really good time.

For dinner, we had leftovers.

The boys are getting ready for bed now.

Until next time...

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