Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning as we were getting ready to go, Evan walked by the front door and saw Grandma and Papa outside.  They were on their morning walk and decided to check to see if we had left yet to walk the boys to school.  They joined us on the walk.

When we got home, Rachel left to go on a hike with Deborah and two other women.  She said it was a nice hike.

I had a meeting with Your Trainer today about building an Apple TV app.

Jack walked home with us after school because Rachel was going to be tutoring him.

I had to run out and meet Carter's grandmother to get him.  She had to take Carter's brother, Ben, to his baseball practice.  I brought Carter back to our house while Evan got ready for practice.  Then Evan, Carter, and I drove to pick up Darius.

Rachel had to leave to tutor so she dropped Noah off at Grandma and Papa's.  He ate dinner with them and helped them unpack.  He seemed to have a really good time.

Baseball practice went really well.  Evan just keeps getting better and better at third base.  He made two really nice plays there today.  He also pitched and hit well.

Evan, Rachel and I had leftovers for dinner.

The boys are asleep and I'm about to go to bed myself.

Until next time...

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