Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

We had a busy, but fun day.

The day started out with the neighborhood Turkey Trot. Evan, Noah, and I ran the 5K.  Evan ran up ahead of of us and met us at the finish line.  Noah ran most of the time.  It rained halfway through and we got pretty wet.  We stopped at Grandma and Papa's house for a little bit before going home.

We got the Jello mold, chocolate cream pie, and cranberry apple crisp ready and then we mostly relaxed until it was time to start getting ready for Thanksgiving.

We had 26 people at our house.  Grandma and Papa, Michael, Jen, Maya, Artie, Aunt Sandy, Uncle Marvin, Joel, Aunt Susan, Sherah, JW, Nolan, Court, Press, Aaron, Mandy, Jeremy, Nathan, Monica (Mandy's sister), Deborah, and Jimmy.  Everyone seemed to have a nice time and the kids had fun playing together.

Here are a few pictures.

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