Friday, July 3, 2015


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I went into Aaron's for a Your Trainer meeting in the morning but got home in time for Rachel to leave to go tutoring around lunch.

The boys were well behaved while I was working.

When Rachel got home, she took the boys to the pool.  They met Lorena and Owen there.  Evan and Noah saw two brothers there that are the same ages as them that they've played with before.  They played with a ball in the pool.  Rachel said they had a good time.

When they got home, Evan and I left for a baseball coaching session with that coach I met.  Josh and his dad met us.  The coach worked with them for a very long time which was nice.

Rachel made cookies for the block party tomorrow while we were gone.  The boys are decorating them now.

Until next time...

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