Wednesday, April 8, 2015

No School for Noah

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night before bed,  Noah took his own temperature and told us he had a fever.  I checked it before I put him to bed and sure enough, he had a fever.  I gave him some ibuprofen and it seemed to help but the fever was back when he got up this morning so Noah stayed home from school.

Rachel and Evan rode bikes to school.  Then Rachel walked to Ms. Wenske's classroom and asked for the school work for Noah.  She told Rachel that she'd send the work to Evan's class for him to bring home.

I met Rachel's cousin, Jacob, for lunch at Enchiladas y Mas.  It was good.  It had been a while since I was there.

Noah seemed to look worse in the afternoon.  Rachel offered to take him to Starbucks or something like that where he could get a cold drink but he didn't want anything.

I rode the bike to get Evan.

Noah managed to do some school work but then fell asleep in bed until dinner time.  He didn't eat dinner with us.  Rachel made a Filipino chicken recipe for the crock pot that she had found on the internet.

We're about to put the boys to bed, though Noah is sleeping on the couch at the moment.

Until next time...

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