Thursday, April 30, 2015

More Evan Issues

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

At the boys' birthday party, Evan was eating Laffy Taffy and he said his filling came out.   We got an appointment for Evan today at 8am.  Rachel drove Evan to the dentist and I walked Noah to school.

At the dentist, they discovered that Evan's filling was in tact.  It's just he had another cavity.  They said that Evan's teeth are very susceptible to cavities.  We can't figure it out because really, Evan doesn't eat that much candy and most days he doesn't drink any juice.  He just has water.   He drinks water for all three meals during the week.  They said for people like Evan, any kind of carbohydrates, even bread, could cause problems.  But that wasn't all.  Apparently, one of Evan's adult molars was trying to come in but his baby molar wasn't coming out.  This apparently caused an infection.  So Evan had to get a cavity filled and his baby molar pulled.  He wasn't done until about 10:30am.  He was pretty uncomfortable.

I met Rachel and Evan at Wholy Bagel.  Neither Rachel nor I can go tomorrow so we decided to do it today.  We wanted to let Evan get a little better.  He just had a drink there.

Afterwards, both Rachel and I wanted Evan to go back to school.  After all, he missed Monday.  But he threw a gigantic fit.  I guess it turned out that he really wasn't feeling well because he came home and went right to sleep.

We left Evan home alone for a bit while we walked to get Noah.

In the afternoon, Rachel baked cookies for the boys' teachers for Teacher's Appreciation Week.

Evan was feeling better later in the afternoon and we went out and threw the football around.

For dinner, we made orange chicken.

The boys are about to go to bed.  Until next time...

1 comment:

Zayde said...

Poor Evan. On top of his head injury this has not been a good week for him. Give him a hug for me.

Love, Zayde