Tuesday, December 16, 2014

First Night of Hanukkah and Trail of Lights

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

After walking the boys to school with Lizzy, we were coming home and came upon two women walking two golden retriever puppies.  Lizzy wanted to see the puppies and the puppies wanted to see her.  They were really smelling each other and Lizzy seemed happy.  As we walked away, Lizzy got really hyper.  She seemed to enjoy it so much she was jumping and running.  She was trying to do this while on the leash which made it difficult, but she loved those little puppies.

Around lunchtime, Rachel ran out to return some things at Michael's and stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

We walked to get the boys from school.

The boys did their homework when they got home.  And then we had our first "night" of Hanukkah.  They each opened a gift.  Tonight's gift for each was from Zayde.

The reason we had an early Hanukkah was that Jack invited Evan to go with Jack's family to the Trail of Lights.  Jack's family picked Evan up at 4:30 today.  He should be home shortly.

Noah played with his Playstation game from Zayde while Rachel tutored.

For dinner the three of us had hamburgers.

Rachel and Noah are now reading.

Until next time...

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