Sunday, December 7, 2014


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning the boys watched the end of Harry Potter.

After that, we decided to make a quick run to Costco.  Well as quick you can possibly go at Costco on a Sunday.  The boys and I split up from Rachel to make it go faster.  I think, all-in-all, we did well.  We bought the boys food for lunch there.  Evan had pizza and Noah had a 1/4 LB hot dog.  Noah ate the whole thing.

In the afternoon, I did some work and Rachel cleaned up.  She threw out a bunch of stuff in the game room and boxed up a bunch of stuff that we'll put in the attic.  We pulled out the big old 36" TV and we'll either give it away or for the next bulk trash pick up put it out on the curb.  We moved the TV from our bedroom into the game room and moved the Wii U up to the game room.  Now the boys don't have to fight over the TV.

The boys also had clean up day.  There wasn't too much fighting although the clean up took forever.

For dinner we had ham and rice.

The boys are ready for bed and in their room.

Until next time...

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