Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night we had a massive rain storm.  Around 2am, I woke up to heavy rain, thunder and lightning.  It was clear this morning, but from what I heard, it rained between 3.5 to 4 inches over night.

We walked to school.  The path was pretty torn apart. In one spot where the water must have come through the path was about a foot deep and maybe a foot wide.  It was easy enough to step over but I saw a kid hit it with his bike and tumble over.

We stayed at home today though I did run out to Smoothie King and the bank.

It's Evan's turn to bring the class pet home this weekend.  The pet is a guinea pig named Stevie.  We stayed after school with Evan and got Stevie's cage and things (food, treats, etc...) and brought them home.  Stevie is staying in Evan's room and Evan will have to keep the door closed to keep out the other animals.  Calvin does not seem to be a mouser but Flash does so we wouldn't want Flash to get to Stevie.  Lizzy wouldn't do anything other than bark.  But it's just safer to keep the door closed to the room.

For dinner, we had hamburgers and corn on the grill.  As I started to grill, the skies opened up and we're having rain like last night.  Our patio is covered but even so the rain was coming sideways so I got a bit wet as I came out to flip the corn and burgers.

The fields where Noah plays baseball flooded again.  They are closed at least through next week, so Noah won't have a game this weekend or have practice.

The boys are upstairs.  Noah has to do his reading and Evan is with Stevie.

Until next time...

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