Thursday, September 11, 2014

Baseball Practice

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Noah is doing a bit better today.  He still has a cold but it seems to be much better.  He's not coughing and he seems to be feeling better.  Rachel was doing slightly better today as well.

We walked to school and Lizzy came along with us.  Evan has been the one holding Lizzy.  He's getting much better about not letting Lizzy stop to smell things.

Rachel slept in the morning while I worked.  At lunch we ran out to HEB to get some things.

The boys were in good moods when we picked them up.

Evan had an early dinner because he had baseball practice.  He seemed tired before we left but the moment we got there he got into a great mood.  The boys on this team, having played together now from April on, really get along well with each other.  We focused on hitting today and Evan did very well with hitting.  He played a lot of catcher.  He missed some balls he should have had but in general, he did very well.

When we came home, Evan was very hyper.  I had started recording the Steelers game.  I let him stay downstairs for a while to watch with me.  Noah didn't want to come down.  After I put Evan to bed, the Steelers started to really stink.  I caught up to real time and then decided I didn't want to see the rest.

The boys are now asleep.

Until next time...

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