Monday, January 27, 2014

No Internet

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, Noah stayed in Evan's room.  It was the first time we allowed that to happen on a school night.  It went well, they haven't gotten good at going to sleep without talking.  The problem was Noah sleeping on the top bunk when he's notoriously bad at waking up.  I was able to get him down and get him dressed.

When I got home and tried to work, the internet was moving extremely slowly.  I finally gave up.  After all these weeks of driving the boys to baseball and having them eat in the car and driving in dirt and gravel parking lots, my car was in desperate need of a car wash.  There is a place by here that does hand washing and they had a Groupon.  I also know they have WiFi and I could sit and work.  I bought the Groupon and tried to drive over there only to get stuck in traffic on the way because of an accident. When I got there and gave them the car to take, I discovered their WiFi was down.  So I still couldn't do any work.  When that finally finished, I called Rachel and she told me the Internet was still down.  So I drove to Starbucks and worked from there.

Around lunch time, Rachel texted me to tell me the Internet was back up so I came home.

In the afternoon, Rachel went to tutor and I picked up the boys from school.  The cold front had started to come in.

Gabby came over and played with the boys.

We had left over corned beef for dinner.

We're just about to get the boys ready for bed.

Until next time...

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