Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Almost Done

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning when I woke Noah up, he couldn't open his right eye.  He's been having really bad allergies from the cedar in the air.  His eye was watering yesterday and I guess when he slept it formed a coating over his eye.  I put a warm washcloth on it and he rubbed off the goop afterwards.  I told him he didn't have to go to school if he didn't feel well but he insisted on going to school.  I had gotten Zyrtec last night.  I gave it to him before we left.

Because of Noah's allergies we drove to school today.  We were concerned about him being outside with the cedar before school started.  If we walk home and he has an allergy attack, we can deal with it at home, but we didn't want him having to deal with it at school.

Rachel had an MAT appointment today and then she met the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls for lunch at Whole Foods.

One of my clients, Strait Music Company, is sponsoring the Marauders.  I went out and picked up the check from them, ran to the bank and then picked up a smoothie for myself.

In the early afternoon, our contractor came and cleaned the porch.  He removed all the trash and power washed the porch.  He was hoping to be able to stain today.  Unfortunately, our backyard doesn't get much sun so the porch didn't dry in time.  He will stain and seal the porch tomorrow and then our porch will be done!

We picked the boys up from school and we did walk home.  Noah looked much much better.  His energy level was up.

We had pasta for dinner and then gave the kids baths.  We wanted Noah to soak in the bath and hopefully help with his allergies.

The boys are in their rooms now.

Until next time...

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