Thursday, February 14, 2013

Family Valentines Dinner

This morning Noah and I stayed at home until it was time for his gym class.

Noah had fun at his class.

After that we went to the bank and HEB.

We came home and I had just enough time to put the groceries away and then it was time to pick up Evan from school.

Evan was in a really good mood.  He had his class Valentine's party today and had his box filled with goodies and cards.

At home I let Evan play for 15 minutes, like usual, and then it was homework time.   When he finished his homework I gave the boys 10 minutes to play and then it was clean-up time. 

Morry came home and took both boys to Evan's baseball lesson.  While they were gone I started getting dinner ready.

We decided to have a fondue dinner and dessert.

Once everyone got home we finished getting dinner ready, opened presents, and then ate.

The boys really had fun.  Noah ate steak.  Evan had a ton of shrimp.  For dessert Evan really loved the strawberries dipped in chocolate.  Noah ate a bunch of plain strawberries.

After dinner and dessert the boys wanted to play the treat game with Lizzy.  We hid treats around and then she sniffs around to find them.  The boys and Lizzy love that game.

Both boys are ready for bed, but for some reason Noah's in the game room now.  I need to get him back to bed.

Here are some pictures from tonight.


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