Monday, February 4, 2013

Cul-de-sac afternoon

Noah was in a good mood this morning and seemed happy to be at school.  I got some thing done around the house.  I cleaned, organized. I also took Lizzy for a walk.

After I picked up Noah Gabby came over.  Noah and Gabby picked up Evan from school and I left to tutor.

I got home earlier than normal today since I had a cancellation. 

When I got home the boys and I went in the cul-de-sac to play some basketball and see if Nathan was home.

Nathan was not home, but we saw Gabriela, Sebastian, and Santiago.  They came in the cul-de-sac with us.  Nathan came home and then he joined the kids.  For a while Evan, Nathan, and Nathan's dad played some basketball.  The kids seemed to all have fun.  It was a nice day outside and it was fun talking to the neighbors too.

At home I gave the boys dinner.

Morry just got home from a meeting.  We'll put the boys to bed soon and then eat our dinner.

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