Monday, November 26, 2012


This morning I walked Evan to school so that Morry could sleep in some.  When I got home I went for a run.

Noah got up on his own and dressed himself while I was out my run.  Morry, Grandma, Papa, Uncle Mike, Maya, and Aunt Jen were still at home.

I took Noah to school and then came back home and ate breakfast with everyone.

Shortly after that Grandma and Papa drove back to Dallas.

Michael, Jen, Maya, and I walked around Town Lake and then had lunch at Freebirds.  We picked up Noah from school on the way home.

After being home for a little while, Michael, Maya, and I walked to get Evan from school.  Evan was very happy to see Uncle Mike and Maya.  Evan held Uncle Mike's hand some of the way home.

Gabby came over.  Morry took Michael's family to the airport and I left to tutor.

Morry gave the boys dinner.  I got home around 7pm and we ate leftovers for our dinner.

The boys are in bed now.

Here are some pictures from today.

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