Friday, November 16, 2012

Haircuts and Big Shopping Trip

Today Morry tried to wake up Noah to come with them, but he was sound asleep.  Noah was upset when he woke up later, because he though Morry forgot to wake him up.  Morry had to explain to him that he tried, but Noah just kept sleeping.

I dropped Noah off at school and then got things done around the house.

Later I picked up Noah from school and he was in a good mood.

I walked to get Evan from school.  Evan was also really happy after school.  Jack and his family were walking home too, so we walked together.  Of course, the kids had lots of fun.

We ate pasta at home for dinner and then went out to run some errands.

First, we got the boys haircuts.  Then, we had a very large shopping trip at HEB.  We had a long list of stuff we needed for the kids and for Thanksgiving.  We were there quite a while. When we got home it took a while to put everything away as well.

The boys are ready for bed now, but still playing in their rooms.

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