Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rachel to the doctor

I have been achy for about a week now and my toe was still really bothering me. I injured the toenail while running and I was worried it was infected. I made a doctor's appointment this morning.

Morry took Noah to school and I went to the doctor. I got my toe all wrapped up. It is not infected but I need to stay off of it for a while - no running. I need to wear open toed shoes and protect the toe with the gauze/tape wrap. They also ran a strep test and it was negative. So who knows why I'm achy and have a sore throat.

Noah had a good day at school. After picking him up we went to Galaxy to get some lunch for me. They gave him a lollipop there.

Morry had a meeting and bought smoothies for all of us. On his way home he picked up Evan from school.

Gabby came over and I tutored.

For dinner I just had some leftovers from my lunch and Morry made both us grilled cheese.

The boys have been put to bed, but they are not asleep.

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