Monday, November 14, 2011

Oil Change

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, I had a major coughing fit which kept me up a long time.  It seems fine now.  But I didn't get much sleep so Rachel, despite being very sore from running yesterday, walked Evan to school.  He insisted on wearing his Roethlisberger jersey.

Noah slept in a long time.  It was good because he needed it.  Whenever we travel, the boys don't sleep as well.

Rachel laid down for a bit after taking Noah to school.

At lunch time, we dropped Rachel's car off at Groovy Lube to get an oil change.  I followed her and we went to Zorba's Greek Diner for lunch.  We hadn't been there before.  It was pretty good.

Rachel picked up Noah and a bit later she left to pick up Evan.  She told Noah they'd be leaving in a minute.  When she went to leave, she couldn't find Noah.  She saw the door from the house into the garage was open.  Noah had gotten into the car and gotten into his car seat, buckled himself, and was ready to go get Evan.

After "naps", Evan saw the boys he played football with at the Halloween party outside.  He wanted to go out.  He ended up playing football with them for about an hour.  At the end it was just Evan and the oldest boy, Johnny, who is in 2nd or 3rd grade, I think.  Evan was punting the football and Johnny would catch it.

For dinner, Rachel had leftover soup, I made eggs for myself and the boys had leftover.

Rachel gave the boys baths.  Evan was complaining his throat hurt so we gave him some medicine.  Noah showed us this tiny cut that he got days ago and wanted medicine.  He is still throwing a fit that he wants medicine.  Evan is either sleeping or close to sleeping.

Until next time...

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