Thursday, December 30, 2010

Running Errands and the Bookstore

This morning we had a few errands to run. We went to the library, but it was closed for some reason - maybe for the holidays? Then, we went to the vet to pick up more food for Mottel. Next was Bed Bath and Beyond. After that we went to Barnes and Noble for just a little bit. The boys played with the trains for a few minutes and I picked up a gift for a classmate of Noah's. Noah was invited to a princess birthday party in a few weeks. Last, we stopped at the bank to deposit some checks. It was a busy morning.

We ate lunch and then the boys watched tv upstairs during nap time.

For dinner we ate at Logan's. Both boys ate a ton of peanuts. Noah ate very well. He ate most of his corn dog, Evan didn't eat much of his dinner though.

We just put the boys to bed. Both are still awake.

I'm feeling a little better today, but still not great. This is a yucky virus or whatever that I have.

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