Friday, December 10, 2010

Mongolian Barbecue... Finally

Noah started whining/crying around 2am last night to go to the bathroom. Once he went, he fell back asleep until 7:30 or so when the whining started again. He goes to the bathroom every 5 minutes and whines for help. He could do it by himself, but refuses.

I spent a lot of time organizing and putting stuff in the attic today. The boys helped me go through the toys in the game room and sort them in 3 boxes - toys they still play with, baby toys, and giveaway.

Noah would not take a nap today.

around 4pm we met playgroup at My Gym. Morry came by after work. We went home to drop off Morry's car and went to dinner.

We have tried a few times in the past to go to Mongolian Barbecue, but each time it was closed. We had a coupon and called ahead today to make sure they were open.

It worked out well and the boys enjoyed picking out their own food.

When we got home we got the boys ready for bed and now they are each in their rooms, yet still awake.

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