Monday, September 22, 2008

Sept. 22

You can now also see the blog at

Conversation with Evan today...

Evan: Noah’s Chinese

Rachel: Noah is not Chinese

Evan: No, he’s a big boy

I wonder what Evan thinks Chinese means?

Went for a run(1.5mi)/walk(1.5mi) with Lizzy (the dog) and Evan and Noah in the stroller. Then, we went to the library and got a couple of kid’s movies for Evan. One is about Cars, Trains, Trucks, and Planes. The other is some ABC thing. After the library we went to Hobby Lobby. I needed to pick up a few things. Getting out of the car Evan was thowing a fit for some reason. He had a car in his hand but didn’t want to leave it in the car and didn’t want to take it with him. I told him he could take it, but that seemed to make him even more upset. I had to pretty much drag him out of the car. As we were walking through the parking lot I was trying to push the stroller with one hand and hold a cranky toddler with the other. This woman getting into her car saw us and said something like “Don’t worry, Mom. It will get better.” Once in the store Evan was a lot better. Evan walked while I pushed Noah in the stroller. Evan loved that store. In the sewing department he found this little tape measure that winds up in a little circular case. You can pull out the measuring tape and then press a little button and it all winds back up. He loved that little thing. It kept him busy for most of the time. Both boys were great in the store. Noah was awake most of the time and Evan was pretty good about staying with me. It was so hard to find someone working there to help me. At one point I just grabbed the first employee I saw and asked him a question. He seemed confused and was not understanding what I was saying. At first I thought he didn’t speak English or something but then somehow he commutated that he was deaf. He opened this little notebook he had and pointed to a phrase, “Just a moment. I will find someone to help you.” I wish I could have communicated with him. The only signs I know are from Baby Signing Time. I could have told him, “more” and “dog” in sign language but that wouldn’t have helped us much. After he got someone to help us he signed “Thank you”. I signed it back to him and really smiled. I guess he appreciated that I was trying.

By the time we got home it was 1:00 something. I quickly made cat grilled cheese for Ev. That is grilled cheese with cats cut out using a cookie cutter. I sat Evan down and put Noah in the high chair so I could get Noah’s cereal (3 tbsp cereal, 3 tbsp juice, about 1tbsp applesauce) ready. Noah was crying the whole time I was trying to make his food. I finally got it made and sat down and he wolfed it down. That kid can eat!

Before I went to put the kids down for their naps I took out 2 pita pockets from the fridge so I could make a sandwich when I got back down. I purposely put them away from the edge of the counter. Somehow, when I made it back downstairs there was only 1 pita pocket sitting there and I know Mottel (the cat) didn’t eat it.

By the time I sat down for lunch it was 3:30. That’s about the time I normally end up eating lunch since it is so hard to feed both boys and myself, and get them down for a nap at a decent time.

After dinner I tutored 2 students. I was gone from 7-10pm. Morry took care of the boys tonight. While I was gone Jonah called Morry and asked if Evan would be the ring bearer in their wedding. That will be fun!


Susie said...

I love your new blog! It is so cute! How funny that Evan thinks Noah is chinese! Aww! I am also excited that Evan is going to be the ring bearer! How CUTE!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Morry and Rachel,

We have set the date for October 24th, so get little Evan ready.

lots of love and see you all soon,
Erika and Jonah

p.s.: Jonah says, "Morry, it will be a Denver Broncos ring bear pillow. Just kidding... or am I?