Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 1- The first entry

Trying out this whole blogging thing. I thought this would be a good way keep everyone updated on what is going on in our lives.

Today we went to the Wildflower Center in the morning with Zayde/Jack/Morry's dad. Evan had a good time showing Zayde around.

We also went to lunch at Satellite Cafe near our house. Evan ate really well. He ate all of my fruit, some of my beans, the 3 dinosaur chicken nuggets we brought from home. Evan sat next to me in the booth and he kept leaning over and hugging me and saying "I love Mommy." Very sweet.

We felt Noah's first tooth today. He's doing well and eating a ton. He ate 3 spoons of cereal mixed with applesauce and juice this morning as well as half a container of baby fruit. And this evening he also ate 3 spoons of cereal. He's still having about 5 bottles a day with around 6-8oz of formula in each. Noah will have his 6 month doctor's appointment on Sept. 30. We'll get to find out then how he's doing in regards to his weight and height.

Yesterday we went to Wonder World in San Marcos. Not really knowing much about it besides what we read online we thought it looked fun. We drove out there and they really pushed getting the whole package (cave, observation tower, magnetic house, animal train ride) so we did. The first part was the cave. We walked through the gift shop into the top of cave entrance. We stood there while the tour guide started going over the rules and all. Then Evan started saying "No, no, ..". He wanted to go back in the gift shop. I had to carry him back to the group. As we started descending into the cave Evan was starting to whine and I knew it was not going to be a fun tour with me having to carry him the whole time. I suggested to go back up. As we were going back up Evan said, "It'll probably be scary." We ended up getting our money back for the whole thing and going home.

So, my goal is to update this daily. We'll see how that goes.

Please feel free to leave comments and any suggestions on what you want us to include in this blog.

Here are some pictures from today at the Wildflower Center.


Sherah said...

Rachel I love the picture of Evan and Noah! They are both so cute! Look at those eyes!!!

Sherah said...

Rachel I love the picture of Noah and Evan sitting together! They are both so cute! Look at those eyes!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so technologically advanced! We enjoyed spending time with you guys this past week.