Sunday, March 28, 2021

Passover 2021

 Last night was the first night of Passover.

Morry and Evan were on a fishing trip.  Since Grandma, Papa, Aunt Diane, Uncle Jay, and I are all vaccinated, we decided to have a small in-person seder + Zoom with other family members. 

Yesterday, I made matzoh balls and meringue cookies and Noah made the Passover coffee cake.

Then, around 5:30 Noah and I walked over to Grandma and Papa's house.  It was the first time in over a year that we had been in their house.  

Noah is now almost as tall as Grandma.

We had a nice time over there last night.  Noah helped during the plagues part of the seder.  He enjoyed that. 

Then, we walked back home.

Today, I did some cleaning in and outside of the house.   

I took Chewie for a walk around the lake.

When I got back I made shaved ice for Noah and me.

Shortly after that Morry and Evan came back from their fishing trip with lots of redfish.

Morry and I went to H-E-B and then we made dinner.

Morry grilled steak for him and some of the redfish for the rest of us.  We ate dinner outside.

Here are some pictures from the last two days.

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