Friday, January 8, 2021

Cold Outside

 Since one of the teachers at school has a wife that tested positive for COVID, I'm being even more cautious and trying to spend as little time as possible inside.

Normally on my long days, I spend some time during my lunch break in the teacher workroom area (with a mask on) doing work.

Today, I didn't want to spend time there so I stayed outside pretty much the whole time.  

I went to Home Depot to look for more ligustrums, but they didn't have any.

Then, I walked around the nearby park and then ate my lunch outside at school.

During class, I usually allow 15 minutes or so at the end of class for the kids to work on homework or ask me any questions.  In the first class at 10am, the kids were cold and wanted to go inside after the lesson.  So, I let them work on homework inside, but I stayed outside.

For my 1pm class it had warmed up enough and we played a game, so the kids were okay staying outside.

I Zoom tutored a student at 5:30 today that canceled yesterday.

Morry and Evan went to Marucci to practice baseball.  They met Josh and Chad there.

For dinner, we had takeout from Simply Pho.

Now Morry is putting together our new stools we just got delivered today.

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