Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Dentist and Finished Office

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, Noah had a dentist appointment first thing.  We needed to get the tooth removed that was causing the abscess.  We left the house around 7:15.  The actual extraction only took 10-20 minutes.  Most of that time was cleaning out the infection around where Noah's tooth had been.  Apparently the baby tooth should have come out and it didn't come out so the tooth was dying and causing issues.  We were home by 9am.

When I got home the contractor was finishing up my office as well as the transition from the family room into the kitchen and the backsplash.  I worked in the morning from the dining room.  By lunch, they had fully finished and I was able to move back into my office.  Below is a picture of the office.  I still need to hang pictures and put in the filing cabinet behind my desk with the printer.

Rachel came home after lunch.  Then she went for a run.

I had a meeting to end the day while Rachel tutored over the computer. 

For dinner, I made grilled chicken.  I marinated the chicken breasts with olive oil, lemon zest, oregano, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper.  It was good.

The boys are upstairs playing on the Playstation.

Until next time...

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