Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Daredevil Kitty

 Yesterday, the kids didn't have much work to do because it was the beginning of the grading period.

I Zoom tutored a new student from Colorado.  The mom found me by Googling "the best math tutors in the country" or something like that.  She went to my website and sent me a message.  It pays off to know about search engine optimization.

Last night we had grilled chicken quarters for dinner.

Today, I Zoom tutored in the morning, went to school to teach my two classes, and the Zoom taught and tutored in the afternoon.   I'm teaching a beginner's Hebrew class on Tuesdays and today was our second to last class.  Next week, we will finish the final letters of the alphabet and review.

Shane, my friend that needed to find a home for Pixel, texted me today to see how she was doing.  I went to find her to take a picture to show Shane, and here is where I found her.

Yikes!  Here a few more pictures of Pixel.  She's such a daredevil and gets into everything, but she is pretty cute.

Morry and Evan went to baseball practice tonight.  When they got home we ate dinner.  Morry and I had leftover pizza and the kids had pasta.

Now the boys are playing some before it's time to get ready for bed.

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