Thursday, December 5, 2019

Brakes To Go

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I noticed that my car was vibrating when I braked.  Unfortunately, I know that meant I had some warping with my rotors in the brakes.  I called around and found out that there is a place called Brakes To Go here.  They come to your house and fix the brakes in your driveway.  In my calling around, they were priced the same as taking it in to some places.  So I scheduled them to come out his morning.  The whole thing took an hour.  I didn't have to bring the car anywhere, it was really nice.

Rachel had a busy day.  She left around the time the brake guy got here and went to teach.  Then she went to a lunch for the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls followed by a doctor's appointment.  She came home for a little while and then left to tutor.  She got home around 8:30 tonight.

The boys had play rehearsal until 7pm.  I picked them up and then we went to HEB and got some steak.  I cooked it for dinner for us.  I also made some garlic bread.

The boys are upstairs playing while Rachel continues to do all the things she needs to get done before she leaves.

Until next time...

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