Thursday, November 7, 2019

Goodbye Calvin

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

When I got on to write this post, I noticed we hadn't written a post since October 14.  It's been a busy few weeks.  I've traveled to Richmond, Rachel attended a conference.  Evan has played a lot of baseball (31 games so far).  Noah has been playing and doing well at flag football.

However, this post is a somber one.  We lost out cat Calvin early this morning.  We're not quite sure how old he is, but we think between 14 and 16 years old.  Deborah gave us Calvin in December, 2013.  Here is a link to the day we got him and here is how he did on his second day with us.   The boys fell in love with him from the moment we got him.  Evan and Noah constantly came up with nicknames for him.  The two that stuck were Sazin and Fat Cat.  Any time the boys had to write a story in school, Calvin was the subject of that story.  They drew comic strips with Calvin and Flash.  Calvin was definitely the focal point of the house for the boys.

Calvin was such a sweet cat.  He was more like a dog.  When the doorbell would ring, he'd run over to the front door. He'd climb on people's laps who were shocked to have a cat climbing on them.  He made sure you knew he was there.

He wasn't scared of anything or anyone.  When we got Chewie as a frisky 8-9 week old puppy, Calvin held his ground and let Chewie know who was boss.

Unfortunately, he got sick and was diagnosed with cancer just before Labor Day last year.  We kept him as comfortable as we could and we were able to spend more than a year extra with him.  For that, we are thankful. 

We will miss Calvin.  He was a wonderful cat and it's weird not having him around.

Until next time...

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