Tuesday, August 20, 2019

First Day of School - 6th and 8th

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Today was the first day of school for the 2019-2020 school year.  Noah is now in 6th grade and Evan is now in 8th grade.  What that means is they are now both in middle school and both riding the bus.  It also means that we don't have to get up as early since elementary school starts the earliest of the three types of school.

We woke up about 20 minutes late than we would previously.  Evan had breakfast, Noah did not.  Noah almost always refuses to eat breakfast.  Both boys were in good moods.  Rachel wanted to take pictures of the boys as we do on the first day of school every year.  This year, Noah insisted that Rachel take pictures in the backyard rather than the front yard.

Noah also seemed anxious to go.  I think he was worried about missing the bus.  Evan was definitely calmer about it. Noah insisted that we could not walk with him to the bus stop.  In fact, Rachel was able to get a picture of them walking to the bus stop but she had to zoom in because Noah wouldn't let us get close enough.

We still took Chewie for a walk.  We want to keep our morning walks and Chewie really enjoys it.  He seemed to sense that there was school today.  He was definitely more hyper this morning.  So we walked the opposite way that Noah and Evan walked so we followed Noah's rules.

Rachel tutored around lunch time.  Of course I just worked at home all day.

What was weird is we didn't have to be home by 2:50pm so we could walk to get Noah.  This was our first time not doing that.

Evan went over his friend Henry's after school.  We had asked Evan to meet Noah at the buses at school to make sure Noah was ok, but Evan didn't do that.  Noah was able to get on the bus fine himself.  He was with his buddy, Grayson.  Noah got home around 4:10 or so.  He seemed to be in a good mood and didn't have anything bad to say about school.

Later in the afternoon, I picked Evan up.  When I got home, I left again to go to a meeting at TRPD for the parents.

Rachel made dinner for the boys.

When I got home, we went for our annual first-night-of-school-frozen-yogurt at TCBY.

We're home now.  The boys are getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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