Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Back on the Blog

Hi!  Did you miss us?

We've had a busy summer so far.  Here's what's been going on since the last post.

Morry and I flew with the boys to Greensboro, NC to drop the off at camp.  We got there the night before camp.  Overnight, Evan's ear was bothering him so much that we ended up video conferencing with a doctor and getting a prescription for what was most likely and ear infection.

Camp drop off went well.

From Greensboro, Morry and I drove to Richmond and spent a few days there with Fran and Scott.  Morry's new job is based out of Richmond, so he worked most of the days at the office.  I was able to explore Richmond a little bit.

Fran and Scott picked up the boys from camp and Fran flew home with them.   Then, she spent a few days with us here in Austin.  We had a great time.

We went on a big trip to Canada with Grandma, Papa, Michael, Jen, Maya, and Artie.  We spent a few days in Calgary and a few days in the Banff area.  It was beautiful there and we had a really nice time.  We just got back late Sunday night.

Now we have less than 3 weeks left before school starts.

Today, I tutored and the kids stayed at home most of the day.

Evan went to Grandma and Papa's for dinner and then we walked to pick him up.

Now the boys are playing video games.

Here are a few pictures from the summer.

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