Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

On Saturday, Grandmom flew in.  She went straight to Matt and Rachael's house for Ben's graduation party.  Rachel and I took separate cars as I had to take Evan to baseball afterwards.  It was a nice party.

Evan played well in his baseball games.  He hit well and pitched well.  Unfortunately, his team lost.

For dinner, we met Rachel, Noah and Grandmom at Texas Roadhouse.

Evan had baseball early on Sunday.  We took Chewie to the game.  He got a ton of attention.  I think 75% of the time we were there, someone was petting Chewie.  Evan played amazing and his team won.

I drove Chewie home and got back in time for Evan's second game.  He again played well, but the team lost.

Grandmom came over after we got home.  Rachel and I left her with the boys and went out to dinner for our 16th anniversary.  After dinner we went to a coffee shop called Opa!

Today, Rachel got up and took Chewie for a long walk.  After that she went to tutor.

Evan, Noah and I picked Grandmom up and we went and had lunch at an Independent/Assisted Living Home.  I don't think Grandmom liked it much.

We came home for a little while before driving to Round Mountain to have dinner with Uncle Marvin and Aunt Sandy.  Aunt Sandy cooked chicken and ribs.  It was good.  Grandma and Papa joined us.

We came back and dropped Grandmom off and are now back at the house.  The boys will be getting ready for bed soon.

Until next time...

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