Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Late Night Tutoring

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I had a phone meeting early this morning after walking Noah to school.  After that I left to go into Touch To.

Rachel went in for a doctor's appointment shortly after I left.

In the afternoon, I worked at HomeAway and got back after Rachel had picked up Noah.  She took Noah to Jude's house and then left to tutor.

Evan got home a few minutes after me.  He had a snack and then I left to take him to Cooper's.  Cooper's parents were taking him to baseball practice.  On the way, they stopped to watch a freshman high school baseball game.  The high school that Evan will go to was playing against the high school near the facility.  Evan said he liked it.

I had a phone meeting this evening.  Rachel, who had returned from tutoring, and Noah ate dinner while I was on the phone.  Then Rachel left to tutor some more.

I made some pasta for Evan and me after Evan got home.  Noah had some too.

Rachel is on her way home from tutoring and the boys are getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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