Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning we walked Noah to school.  Chewie is so funny on the walk.  He is so excited.  His tail is up the whole time, and he prances.  He loves to go to school.

When we got home, we put Chewie in the house and then we walked across the street and got Nico from our neighbors house.  Nico is a golden retriever that is 6 months older than Chewie.  Chewie loves him.  They needed someone to watch him today so we brought him to our house.  The two dogs were crazy.  They just played as much as they could.  They're both the same color, the have the same shaped face and are roughly the same size.  Nico is a little taller but they are both the same length.  Additionally, they both have black collars.  So when they were really playing, sometimes it was confusing which dog was which.  If they laid down it was easy to tell but when you just seem two dogs jump on each other, it was hard.

Rachel had to go to school early today.  They had staff meetings to get ready for the start of their school which is next week.

I left later in the morning and put the dogs in crates.  Luckily we have a second crate.

When Rachel got home, she brought Nico to his backyard and took Chewie to get Noah.  Then she brought Nico back over when she got home.  She just wasn't able to walk with both dogs and she didn't want to put Nico back in the crate. 

Noah went to Grandma and Papa's after school.

I came home and Rachel left to go to tutoring just after Evan came home.  After she left, Evan and I returned Nico home and left to go to his baseball practice.

I met two fathers at a bar/restaurant during practice.  It was a nice time.

On the way home from practice I picked up Noah.

Rachel made dinner from one of those places like BlueApron (but not BlueApron).  She got the meals free as part of the blog.  This one was steak and potatoes.  It was pretty good.

The boys are in bed now.

Until next time...

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