Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Final Week

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

We had a full weekend.  Evan played in five baseball games over Saturday and Sunday; we had dinner with Rachel's cousin, Evan, who is in town as an intern for Apple; Rachel and I celebrated our anniversary on Sunday night; Noah spent Sunday with his friend, Anelio; we saw the movie Solo on Monday morning; Rachel took Chewie to the dog park on Sunday and both of us took him on Monday afternoon.

Today, however, marked the second to last day of school.  The sixth grade went to the Alamo Drafthouse to watch a movie as part of a field trip.  Evan didn't even bring a backpack to school today.  Noah didn't do anything special today, but he has a fourth grade party - during school - for the last day of school. 

Rachel gave a final to some of her kids today.  Then, she took the kids to get donuts.  The school paid for this outing.

I went into the office and worked for a while.

Rachel tutored in the afternoon.  After that, she went to the school to see some presentations.  Finally, she met Grandma, Papa and Aunt Susan at Tarbouch. 

Noah and I took Evan to baseball practice.  It's his last practice of the season.  Noah and I went to a coffee shop during the practice.  On the way home, we stopped at HEB and picked up food for dinner.

The boys are now getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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