Monday, February 5, 2018

Super Bowl Sunday + Monday

Yesterday, we took it easy in the morning.   I took Chewie for a walk.

I left for tutoring around 12:45. 

Evan had a football game, so Morry, Noah, and Evan left the house around 1:30 to get there for the practice before the game.

When I got home from tutoring, I rode with Grandma and Papa to Evan's game.

Evan's team lost their first game of the season.

Later in the day, Morry, Evan, and Noah went to a Super Bowl party at Evan's friend, Reid's house.

I stayed home and went to eat dinner at Maudie's with Grandma and Papa.

Today, we walked Chewie to school.

Morry and I were both gone today, so Chewie was in the crate for a few hours.

I got home a little bit before it was time to get Noah.

Morry got home a few minutes after I did and then we walked to pick up Noah from school. 

Evan went to Grandma's house today for dinner.

For dinner Morry and I had sandwiches and Noah had a waffle.

Then, we walked to pick up Evan from Grandma and Papa's.

Now the boys are in bed.

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