Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Poor Chewie

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, I woke up and brought Chewie downstairs.  I could not feed him because he had his surgery scheduled to be neutered.  He didn't seem real happy with me.  I got the boys' lunches together and I took Chewie to the vet.

Chewie is not a big fan of the vet.  He resisted going into the exam room.  After signing some papers and getting some instructions, the tech took Chewie to the back and I left.

Rachel walked Noah to school with out Chewie and me.

Rachel went into teach and I left later in the morning to go to the office.

In the afternoon, I picked up Chewie from his surgery while Rachel walked to get Noah.  Chewie was wearing the "cone of shame" when I picked him up.  He seemed a bit out of it and he definitely did not like the cone.  Noah came out to meet me when I got home and he helped me bring Chewie inside.  Chewie just laid down on the floor inside.

After Evan got home, I took him to baseball practice.  Rachel and Noah stayed home.

For dinner, we had leftover tacos from Monday night.

We have taken off the cone from Chewie now and he's doing well.  They said we could take it off if we could watch him.  He hasn't even tried to lick his incision so that's a good thing.  As long as he's avoiding licking himself, I think he'll be fine.

The boys are now in bed.

Until next time...

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