Thursday, September 21, 2017

Clean House

This morning we walked Noah to school and then I left to teach.

While I was gone, the cleaning people came to our house.

Our plan was to meet for bagels after I finished work, but the cleaning people were still there.  So, I picked up our bagels on the way home and we ate on the back porch.

At 1:30 we had an appointment with a potential new psychologist for Noah. We really liked her and he'll have his first appointment on Monday.

As soon as we got home we walked to get Noah from school.

At 3:30 Noah and I went to the community center for a Rosh Hashanah party.  There was a good turnout. I would guess around 25-30 kids were there.  Noah wanted to stay the whole time so Grandma came since I needed to leave for tutoring.

Grandma walked Noah home after the party.

Noah had football practice today and he had a good time.

I got home around 7:30 and we had tacos for dinner.

Now the boys are getting ready for bed.

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