Sunday, July 30, 2017

Group Bike Ride

This morning, at 7 am Evan and I met Papa at Dick Nichols park for the Mamma Jamma training ride.  You could choose the 20-mile or 37-mile bike ride.  We went with the 20-mile ride.  Evan did very well, but since we were going slower than most of the other people, we did one less loop and only went 16.5 miles, still a good distance.  It was a nice time.

We mostly took it easy at home today.  The kids knew they needed to clean up today, but still put up a big fight about it.

For dinner, we ordered pizza from Pizza Hut and watched the Sixth Sense.  The kids had not seen it before.  They said they liked it.

Now the boys are getting ready for bed.

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