Wednesday, June 14, 2017


This morning Noah and I got to his friend's Ben's house around 10am.  He was invited to go to ZDT's (a small amusement park in Seguin) for Ben's birthday party.  Noah wanted me to come too.  There were six kids that came along with some adults.  We went in two cars to Seguin, about an hour away.

The kids had a good time.  It was good that there were a few adults there as the kids wanted to do different things and not necessary stick with the group.  Noah liked the water slides best.

We left around 3 pm and stopped at Sweet Carolines on the way home.

Noah stayed at Ben's house for a little while and I went home.  Later, Ben's mom dropped Noah off at home.

For dinner we had hamburgers.

After dinner, we took a short walk.

This evening we spent a lot of time finishing packing the kids for camp.

Now Evan and Noah are in bed.

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